AbitMORE SCM Reporting
AbitMORE SCM Reporting (ASR) provides the ability for ChangeMan ZMF users to generate reports or charts of live or archived ChangeMan ZMF data related to packages, components, CMNLOG-events, online forms and release management (ERO).
Using an intuitive user interface for reporting about ChangeMan ZMF information, users can build and generate their own reports or charts quickly and easily. And this without the need to learn about XML-clients or APIs included in ChangeMan ZMF and without the need for assistance from ChangeMan ZMF administrators.
Reports and charts can be built to accommodate various types of users, i.e.: developers and project managers, release managers, help desk operators, IT auditors and security administrators, ChangeMan ZMF administrators . This includes restricting access to execute specific reports to certain types of users.
ASR is delivered with a comprehensive set of built-in reports (and charts) to get you up and running right away. Most customers are running reports within an hour of installing ASR.
ASR provides answers for many of the common requests that ChangeMan ZMF Administrators are asked daily. The report definitions are stored so they can be scheduled to run on demand or via your scheduling system.
ASR also provides an archive facility that allows you to reduce the amount of DASD needed to store package and component data in your ChangeMan ZMF VSAM files. Using the data warehouse functionality you can retain and access ChangeMan ZMF data beyond 999 days.