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<XML services in CMN/ZMF>

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Change the creator Id of a package

Summary: Change the creator ID of a change package to another userid, something that is typically done for none-BAS packages created by somebody who left the company. Read more »

Solution Variables: 

Change the creator Id of a package - variables

Update install date for all expired packages (limbo)

Summary: Mass update the planned install date of all change package with “install date passed” to the new (future) install date. Read more »

Solution Variables: 

Update install date for all expired packages (limbo) - variables

AbitMORE SCM Commander - Solutions

AbitMORE SCM Commander’s solution center is a set of ISPF dialogs (ASC solutions) to perform various CMN/ZMF tasks, and this via all sorts of XML services that are executed from within those dialogs. These XML services are hidden within the ASC solutions (and/or the batchjob that may get submitted to complete a request), so that the users of these solutions do not have to know anything about using XML services.

The need for these ASC solutions seem to exist at many CMN/ZMF customers. Each of them have been developed starting from real world needs, e.g. within the context of a CMN/ZMF helpdesk project where many of these solutions have proven to be very helpful. Read more »

I get a S069 abend when running a lot of XMLs, what's wrong?

To understand what's happening, just submit an XML request to recreate the XNODE dataset (like online command "F5"), and this for enough (like a few hundreds?) of packages. Read more »

How can I reuse the output of an XML service as input for a new one?

You can't (at least not with vanilla ChangeMan ZMF) ... unless you have AbitMORE SCM Commander (ASC for short) available ... Read more »

AbitMORE SCM Commander - Highlights

  • Do more with less, quickly and securely, without the traditional learning curve or expertise normally required for XML and advanced ChangeMan ZMF customizations.
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by Dr. Radut